
Antares and Rho Ophiuchi

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A mosaic of two images that are each composed of sixteen exposures through reg, green, blue and luminance filters.


Date: 20 April 2018, Tivoli Astro-farm, Khomas, Namibia

Telescope: Skywatcher Esprit ED 120 mm f/7 apochromat, mount: AP-1200 GTO, camera: Apogee U16M, CCD-temperature -17 C, LRGB, L: 8x6min; R: 8x6min; G: 8x6min; B: 8x6min, CCD-temp = -17 C.


Date: 20 April 2018

Locality: Tivoli Astro-farm, Khomas, Namibia, latitude: -23,5 grader

Telescope: Skywatcher Esprit ED 120 mm f/7 apochromat

Mount: AP-1200 GTO

Autoguider: SkyNYX 2-2 on a Meade ETX90

Camera: Apogee U16M, CCD-temperature -17 C

Filters: Chroma Technology Corp

Filtration: LRGB L: 8x6min; R: 8x6min; G: 8x6min; B: 8x6min

Processing: Maxim DL (capture, stacking, stretching), PhotoShop (color ballance)

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